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Say No to the Naysayers
May 25, 2016 | In

Taking Control of Your Success Mindset

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

According to the United Nations, the world population is around 7.4 Billion people, yet somehow, many of us still let the opinions of one or two ruin our days.  Really?  Here’s the thing – we get to choose who we let into our heads every day and how we allow other people to affect our decisions. There will always be naysayer and dooms-dayers. Always. There will be people who tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t or why they wouldn’t do what it is you want to do.  Only you can be responsible for whether you listen.  You know what’s funny is how many times people have allowed someone ELSE to stop them in their tracks while in the pursuit of their goals and desires without ever even checking to see if that person even…

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…
December 9, 2015 | In

The Power of Living in the Present

By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”  It’s good advice, of course, but so is don’t MISS the small stuff.  Too often we’re so mired in all the big decisions, the worry, the ‘what if’s’ and the daily routine that we forget, (or don’t allow ourselves) to live in the present moment and appreciate it for what it gives.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s EASY to do. For most of us, life often feels like it’s racing by at lightning speed.  Who has time to stop and smell the roses-right?  The truth is that you make time. Because that whole all work and no play thing doesn’t just make Jack or Jill a dull person, it robs them of so many opportunities for joy, growth, happiness, and reflection. It makes for a life…

Be Responsible for the Energy You Bring
November 23, 2015 | In

And the Energy You Allow

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach

There’s a powerful quote by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor that says, “Please be responsible for the energy you bring to this space.”  Hers is an amazing story and how she came to share that message is inspiring.  Dr. Taylor was a renowned brain scientist at Harvard.  In 1996, she had a massive stroke that damaged the left hemisphere of her brain, but left the right hemisphere unscathed.  The way she explains it is that the right hemisphere controls the right here and right now.  The left (the side damaged for her) is in charge of the past and the future.  In essence, she had no memory, no identity and no language skills. Can you even imagine that experience and having to start all over again?

Because what she DID have was the here and now, the absolute present, she was…

Don’t Postpone Joy
October 28, 2015 | In

A Gentle Reminder

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

You know the saying, all work and no play makes Jack, or Jill, or (insert your name here) a dull person?  The truth is it doesn’t stop at “dull”.  All work and no play creates a life out of balance and that’s not a life that is fulfilling or sustainable for the long haul. I get it, I do.  There was a time in my life where being the top producer in the room was a big goal for me too. Heck, I even won a few awards for it.  And I enjoy success as much as the next person.  I also enjoy following my joy. And after some fairly serious bouts with the realization that our bodies will most definitely shut us down when we are living that far out of balance, I get the very real importance…

What Message Are You Sending?
October 21, 2015 | In

First, Second, and Every Impression

By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

Every day you have an opportunity to make not just a good impression but a great one.  From your attitude to your branding, your business acumen to your intention – every interaction you have with others affects your reputation and the integrity level you show to the world.  At this time of year, many entrepreneurs are already looking at their business planning to design the path to help them reach and even exceed their goals in the coming year.  Be sure to take the time to examine what message you are sending in all that you do.

Here are some questions to ask yourself and things to keep on your radar:

  1. Business relationships. Are you known as someone easy to work with?  A competitor – but one who is respectful, professional, and fair?  Do you treat referrals (and the people…
Find Your Why
July 27, 2015 | In

And You’ll Figure Out Your How

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

There’s something about people who are absolutely passionate about what they do.  Business, success, joy, creativity – it all seems to come easy to them. It’s as if they innately know how to move forward and stay on the front edge of what they want.  I believe it is because they have their WHY all figured out, so the HOW is a natural progression from that.  German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, ‘He who has a why can endure any how.’  He was on to something. When you have your WHY – whatever that is – it fuels the rest of your life with purpose.

That “why” is a very personal thing however, and at first glance it may appear obvious, especially to a salesperson.  You might think, “My why is to make $100,000 a year.”  But…

A Chance to Contribute
June 17, 2015 | In

What Mark Will You Make?

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

Steve Jobs once said, “I want to put a ding in the universe.”  It’s funny how that one simple sentence can resonate so far for so many people.  Every day we get to choose how we will contribute – to our futures, our families, our clients, our careers and ourselves.  What kind of impact can we make? Will it be positive or negative?  What kind of ‘ding’ will we create on the world around us?

For many agents, summertime is at a little bit slower pace and many take some of that extra time to brush up on their skills, fine-tune their passions, and reflect on their purpose.  If that sounds like you – here are five amazing characteristics of people who positive impact the world:

  1. They are ALWAYS willing to get better. Top performers and leaders never stop…
Take Time OFF
June 10, 2015 | In

No Guilt Required

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

I recently saw a Q&A session in a real estate forum where an agent posed the question, “Do you plan your days off or make them spontaneous?”  What struck me was how many agents answered back that they rarely, if ever, take a day off.  Really?  As a mom, wife, entrepreneur, business owner, and real estate coach, I totally understand that our lives and days can feel a little like a 24/7 run on the hamster wheel.  I also understand and advocate that we cannot possibly bring our best selves our clients, businesses and families if we don’t take some down time.  Studies support that, ironically, all work and no play has a detrimental effect on productivity. In fact, I tell my coaching members that it’s just as vital a component to our success as prospecting, presenting, and closing. …

Find Your Joy and Your Center
May 7, 2015 | In

Celebrate Your Natural State

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach

Dr. Wayne Dyer reminds us that our natural state is joy.  While it’s easy to get away from it, ignore it and even override it, ultimately, what we want and need as human beings is to be joyful.  I recently spoke in Hawaii, and I was reminded of this life lesson.  The spirit that seems to flow through the islands is one of joy, celebration, and authenticity.  Cast against the rich landscape, it was truly an extraordinary experience.

Even their words resonate with a soulfulness and center.  Words like…

Ohana.  It means family and symbolizes that no matter how distantly related you are, every member of the family comes from the same root, and by that, all part of the same family.  People there have a community ohana, a friend ohana, and even a work ohana.  It’s a feeling of connectivity that…

It’s Not Selfish – It’s Self-Care
May 7, 2015 | In

Six Ways to Give Yourself a Break

By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross

So many of us live in a 24/7, phones-at-our-fingertips, high-demand world MOST of the time. For some of us that may move closer to the ALL the time mark.  Still there are others – those amazing others – who have figured it out, either by accident, intervention, or absolute choice that it’s impossible to be all things to all people all the time.  The few have figured it out and have let go of trying.  Aside from business people, we are human beings.  And as such, we have to honor the fact that it’s all right to step out of the rat race, hopefully at LEAST once a day to take care of ourselves, our minds, hearts, spirit, bodies and our beings.  That’s not selfish – it’s essential self-care.

When we don’t our stress levels rise…