What Mark Will You Make?
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
Steve Jobs once said, “I want to put a ding in the universe.” It’s funny how that one simple sentence can resonate so far for so many people. Every day we get to choose how we will contribute – to our futures, our families, our clients, our careers and ourselves. What kind of impact can we make? Will it be positive or negative? What kind of ‘ding’ will we create on the world around us?
For many agents, summertime is at a little bit slower pace and many take some of that extra time to brush up on their skills, fine-tune their passions, and reflect on their purpose. If that sounds like you – here are five amazing characteristics of people who positive impact the world:
No Guilt Required
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
I recently saw a Q&A session in a real estate forum where an agent posed the question, “Do you plan your days off or make them spontaneous?” What struck me was how many agents answered back that they rarely, if ever, take a day off. Really? As a mom, wife, entrepreneur, business owner, and real estate coach, I totally understand that our lives and days can feel a little like a 24/7 run on the hamster wheel. I also understand and advocate that we cannot possibly bring our best selves our clients, businesses and families if we don’t take some down time. Studies support that, ironically, all work and no play has a detrimental effect on productivity. In fact, I tell my coaching members that it’s just as vital a component to our success as prospecting, presenting, and closing. …