Roberta Ross interviewed by Dr. Hank Seitz of Agent Wealth Network
Is it possible to be highly successful without compromising your happiness? Roberta says “absolutely YES!” Listen in to her guest appearance on the Dr. Hank Seitz show “Agent Wealth Network” where Roberta an Hank have great fun exploring this topic and sharing with the audience how to have both!Click here to listen: How to Achieve Success Without Compromising Happiness
A Nod to Og Mandino
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
Have you ever read Og Mandino’s The Greatest Salesman in the World? It’s a powerful little book that has help transform the lives and careers of countless people around the world. There is a set of lines in one of the scrolls that says, “I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.” It is an empowering affirmation.
There are a lot of ups and downs in our business. We get “no’s”, hit roadblocks, face fears – sometimes all the above in the same day. But all of those things can be learning opportunities more than obstacles. Springboards more than setbacks. What makes the difference for the top tier agents who seem to take it in stride? They keep a solid mindset for success. They…
READ MOREAn Honest Question
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
As a professional, you probably have high standards when it comes to hiring people to work for you-right? Are you insistent on top service levels and the highest quality products? How often in your career have you taken a step back and given yourself a performance review? I ask because too often we get in a groove of doing things the same old way, and stop looking for ways we can improve our performance, raise our own bar for service and excellence, and allow the rationale that we are “busy” be the reason we cut corners or drop the ball.
So this month’s challenge is this: Give yourself a review. If you were a home buyer or seller – would you be compelled to work with you? Maybe that’s a resounding, “YES!” But can you do better? Can you comfortably…
READ MOREConsistency is More Vital Now Than Ever Before
By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
There was a program on the radio the other day that featured a lot of what people would call, “one-shot-wonders”. Those artists that knocked it out of the park with one song, then were rarely, if ever heard from again. It makes you think, “what happened?” These people were clearly talented, had what it took to reach the top, so why just the one hit? It reminded me a little of some real estate agents I’ve met. Eager, talented, and full of action – ONCE. They showed up strong once and got a listing. Awesome-right? Absolutely. But every day is a new day in this business. There’s no resting on your laurels, ask any top producers out there. They’ll tell you that no one, not even the heavy hitters have the luxury of not showing…
READ MOREAnd Help Them Live Better Lives
By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
It’s a busy world we live in. One with lots of moving parts, task lists, and responsibilities. It’s also filled with amazing opportunities and relationships. This month I wanted to share a few things that seem to set mentally strong people apart and help them live more joyously and successfully.
Measuring Success One Week at a Time
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach
It’s said, “If you can measure it, you can manage it.” I’ve not been able to lock down the origin of the phrase, but the message is true enough. If you’re like a lot of folks, you ambitiously started the year with some big goals in mind. You may have even told the world, or at least your little corner of it, all about those goals. Are you ready to deliver? The first thing you need to ask yourself if you truly want to realize those aspirations is how are you going to measure where you are in relation to those goals every step of the way? Because here’s what happens to most people – the goals get lost in the shuffle. The day to day business of putting out fires and meeting deadlines and prospecting are…
READ MOREFirst, Second, and Every Impression
By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
Every day you have an opportunity to make not just a good impression but a great one. From your attitude to your branding, your business acumen to your intention – every interaction you have with others affects your reputation and the integrity level you show to the world. At this time of year, many entrepreneurs are already looking at their business planning to design the path to help them reach and even exceed their goals in the coming year. Be sure to take the time to examine what message you are sending in all that you do.
Here are some questions to ask yourself and things to keep on your radar:
It Might Be Worth the Try
By America’s Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
Here’s a powerful thought shared by Seth Godin recently, “If something scares you, it might be a good thing to try.” I love this. Not that I want to promote fear in any way – quite the opposite in fact. But what I do want my coaching and audience members to do is to S-T-R-E-T-C-H themselves. To toss aside all those ‘that’s the way it’s always been’ mindsets and practices and try some new things on for size. New ideas. New technology. New strategies. Practices. Tools. Dialogues. Mindsets.
Comfort zones can be dangerous places because they don’t allow us to grow. And let’s face it – if you’re not growing, you’re actually going backwards, because the world we live in is spinning faster and faster it seems, and getting smaller and smaller as well thanks to the…
READ MORETry a New Perspective!
By Six Figure Real Estate Coach Roberta Ross
Branding. It’s a buzzword that seems to be everywhere we turn these days. And it’s no doubt an important part of your business. But branding by ITSELF is not really effective. One of the biggest errors agents make is they rush to develop branding that feeds their EGO but not their business. Here’s what I mean. Ever see those branding packages that are high gloss, have the agent’s picture larger than life, and the copy is all about how WONDERFUL the agent is, right down almost to their grade school award for perfect attendance? (All right, that last part is an exaggeration – but you get the picture.)
While that looks great, and it makes an agent feel pumped up and excited about their cool new marketing materials – what it DOESN’T do is tune into the WIIFM (What’s In…
READ MORESeth Godin, one of my favorite bloggers, reminded me of something in his latest blog. That is, an agent’s real estate business is a living, breathing thing. Developing an intimate relationship with it, like one would with their garden, is what makes it grow, makes it sustainable, and a truly meaningful for all involved. While it’s important to have systems in place to run it like a business, it doesn’t mean that it needs to be treated like a machine. In today’s hectic world, people complain of being treated like “prospects” or “contacts” rather than human beings. In an effort to build your business, have you (like so many) forgotten that you sphere of influence is not really a list, but rather an living, breathing, ever-changing entity comprised of people that prefer individualized care and attention to yield the greatest results?
I’ll share Seth’s blog below.
Great projects start…